Cosmic Ophelia – Mercury. 1 Planet Our Solar System
Shakespeare’s Ophelia painted with pure energy.
Artist uses torches like and artist would use a paint brush. She describes her work as being a meld of magic and the supernatural with Art.
Artist uses her 3D Art to create the perfect cosmic space for her female character. Her series “Cosmic Ophelia” integrates the beauty of nature the vastness of the cosmos with a mysterious femininity that wraps it.
A woman as the epitome of 8 Planets in Our Solar System. 1. Mercury 2. Venus 3. Earth 4. Mars 5. Jupiter 6. Saturn 7. Uranus 8 Neptune
- The NFT collection is available on Foundation.

Earth -1 of 4 Most powerful elements.
Earth-Fire-Water-Air is the four most powerful elements and is most appreciated in witchcraft. They control the weather, life, and the development of every living thing on earth. Here I will briefly talk about the meaning, individual power of each element and how to control them. Elements provide harmony and balance through the vibration and energy of the universe and Nature.
Earth — The most magical element
Earth is the element of manifestation and abundance but can also help to keep the ego balanced. The Earth element helps to guide us in self-reflection and personal development. Earth represents the natural cycles of life.
- The NFT collection is available on OpenSea

Water -3 of 4 Most powerful elements
Water Symbol of rebirth, healing, fertility, change, dreaming, clarity, intuition.
Water is a feminine element. The water element is associated with planet Venus. Water is the most soothing and calming of the four elements. It’s cool and wet nature allows it to appease the mind and body. It is life-giving, but can also be destructive.
- The NFT collection is available on OpenSea

Air -4 of 4 Most powerful elements
Air Symbol of knowledge, perception, communication, creativity, and strategy.
The Element of Air is an excellent representation of spiritual faith. Air reminds us that there is much more to this world than what we can see , and also teaches that we must grow and change as the world does likewise:
We cannot capture or tame the Air, but we certainly know it’s with us. It can be tempestuous or still, or as gentle as a puff on a birthday candle.
- The NFT collection is available on OpenSea